
We are Evan and Chelsea, currently exploring Patagonia by plane, bus, foot, and ferry!  We are originally from Minnesota and South Dakota, USA, most recently living in Seattle.

Current location:  
Sucre, Bolivia

Purpose of writing: 
The purpose of this record is (1) to remember, (2) to let family and friends know what we are up to, (3) to try a different approach to work and play. Ok, but where's all your stuff?: Currently, we have a total of 4 bags: two backpacks and two small carry-on pieces of luggage; a moving container full of stuff current in storage. Everything else we have sold or given away or forgot somewhere.

Why Mountain Goats?
Because Evan is commonly referred to as a mountain goat on the trail. He is cat-like and can scale steep trails without breaking a sweat. Chelsea isn't quite as graceful, but claims mountain goat status due to marriage. And the rambling....well...you've maybe heard one of Chelsea's stories.

Currently reading (and looking for book suggestions!):
Homegoing, by Yaa Gyasi
Into Thin Air, by Jon Krakauer

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