Day 12 - Yoga in the park
November 25 - Buenos Aires
We woke up late due to the late night. We worked a bit at the hotel, then ran to the ecologica reserva. We really only had time to run to it, and not in it, which was due to my poor estimation of how long it took to get there.

We ran on the main park in Palermo neighborhood, because I was hoping to go to the outdoor yoga class. The time the class started was a bit of a mystery. At the park, there was a cool eco fair happening, with tents setup talking about composting, using solar cookers, and feeding your kids vegetables. How progressive.
The yoga class had already started so I got in at the tail end. The instructor was an older woman who wore all white, and spoke at the end about la corazon (heart), la paz (peace), and la luz (light)... of course I dug it.
Evan read his book while I did a little self guided yoga. Then we started to work our way back. It was Saturday and we accidently ran into the weekly craft market, much to my pleasure and Evan's dismay. I ended up purchasing a ring from a silver jeweler.
We ran home, hungry by this point. We picked up a few empanadas (11 pesos, of course) to supplement our veggie salad.

The yoga class had already started so I got in at the tail end. The instructor was an older woman who wore all white, and spoke at the end about la corazon (heart), la paz (peace), and la luz (light)... of course I dug it.
Evan read his book while I did a little self guided yoga. Then we started to work our way back. It was Saturday and we accidently ran into the weekly craft market, much to my pleasure and Evan's dismay. I ended up purchasing a ring from a silver jeweler.
We ran home, hungry by this point. We picked up a few empanadas (11 pesos, of course) to supplement our veggie salad.

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