Day 101 - Good Bye, Sucre
February 24 - Sucre, Bolivia
We woke early to head for a hike on the Inca Trail. Our kind host went to the bus station early to buy our tickets. On true Bolivian time, we arrived at the bus stop at 9 AM, waiting for the bus to leave at 9:30 AM, but it actually didn't leave until 10:30 AM. We weren't the only ones waiting. In addition to locals, we met two French couples, doing different longer two-day hikes, but starting at the same point we were.
The bus puttered to a start at 10:30 and we loaded up.
The front of the bus was scattered with tools, for quick fixes. The bus was a piece of crap! We wondered if we'd make it. On the way out of town, we had to stop and get gas and stop again to change a tire. We got on the highway and our fears only heightened. The roads were rough and the mountains were steep.
The bus stopped a few times and once was smoking so much in the front that I was afraid it had caught on fire, and we were packed like sardines. From the smell of the smoke, we could tell it was just steam. People in the back of the bus were yelling at the driver. The driver figured out that it was steam as well. A little while later we were stopped again, so he could fill the radiator with water from a creek nearby.
Around noon, we finally arrived at our destination (estimated arrival time 10:15 AM). We were grateful to get off the bus!

When we finished, we knew we had to hitchhike back, and there was conflicting information about how this would go. Evan, below, showing a little leg to get us picked up.
We waited almost two hours. Finally a bus went by and we flagged it down and hopped on. We would have preferred the bed of a truck, as the bus was packed, went super slow, because it had to weave and climb up and over the mountains, then down the other side. We were standing in the middle of the bus, crammed with other locals. We were both quite carsick. The views were absolutely amazing, however!
When we returned back to the apartment, the owner had set out glasses and beverages to share, with ice cubes in the fridge. We packed up and he joined us at 10:30 PM ish for a drink. We drank and laughed until one in the morning, heading to bed frantically as he was taking us to the bus for the airport in the morning.
We woke early to head for a hike on the Inca Trail. Our kind host went to the bus station early to buy our tickets. On true Bolivian time, we arrived at the bus stop at 9 AM, waiting for the bus to leave at 9:30 AM, but it actually didn't leave until 10:30 AM. We weren't the only ones waiting. In addition to locals, we met two French couples, doing different longer two-day hikes, but starting at the same point we were.
The bus puttered to a start at 10:30 and we loaded up.
The front of the bus was scattered with tools, for quick fixes. The bus was a piece of crap! We wondered if we'd make it. On the way out of town, we had to stop and get gas and stop again to change a tire. We got on the highway and our fears only heightened. The roads were rough and the mountains were steep.
The bus stopped a few times and once was smoking so much in the front that I was afraid it had caught on fire, and we were packed like sardines. From the smell of the smoke, we could tell it was just steam. People in the back of the bus were yelling at the driver. The driver figured out that it was steam as well. A little while later we were stopped again, so he could fill the radiator with water from a creek nearby.
Around noon, we finally arrived at our destination (estimated arrival time 10:15 AM). We were grateful to get off the bus!
This was where the trail started.

We found the start of the trail, came up over the hill, and our breathes were taken away
Evan paying the main 10 Bolivainos ($1.25)
When we finished, we knew we had to hitchhike back, and there was conflicting information about how this would go. Evan, below, showing a little leg to get us picked up.
We waited almost two hours. Finally a bus went by and we flagged it down and hopped on. We would have preferred the bed of a truck, as the bus was packed, went super slow, because it had to weave and climb up and over the mountains, then down the other side. We were standing in the middle of the bus, crammed with other locals. We were both quite carsick. The views were absolutely amazing, however!
We got dropped in a strange part of town we had never been - but I loved the park and it's murals!
We stopped at Wallyball to pick up something from one of the people from school and play a quick game, then we headed home to freshen up.
We hustled to the viewpoint at the Recoleta for sunset and had a drink with a view. We then headed back to our favorite Italian place to celebrate our last night in Sucre.
When we returned back to the apartment, the owner had set out glasses and beverages to share, with ice cubes in the fridge. We packed up and he joined us at 10:30 PM ish for a drink. We drank and laughed until one in the morning, heading to bed frantically as he was taking us to the bus for the airport in the morning.
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