Day 111 - Coconuts and Ticks

March 6 - Desmonte, Costa Rica

We woke up and headed for the nearby town of Desmonte, to visit Roberto's family and visit a waterfall on their land.  We stopped along the way, checking out some views.

We visited one of the family homes up in the hills.  The kitchen has the original tile!

 We hiked around the land, visited an old gold mine, dipped our toes in the cool water of a rushing waterfall, grabbed fresh coconuts and limes along the way, made a local dish that uses a white flower, garlic, and onion, ate a typical Costa Rican meal.  We left this area of the country with hands loaded with coconuts and citrus (and legs full of ticks….EEK!)


We had lunch there and as we were leaving, one of the women was cooking up a bunch of flowers that they had received.  She started with full white blooming flowers, chopped them with onion and garlic, threw them on the stove with an egg, then woila!

When we got home, I spent a lot energy trying to get into the coconut meet.  Evan made lasagna.


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